
Carrington-Fuller Post No. 800



Carrington-Fuller Post 800 of the American Legion is pleased to host this clothing donation shed operated by St. Pauly Textile, Inc. of Farmington, NY

Some information about St. Pauly Textile:

St. Pauly Textile Inc. is a Western NY based, family-owned for-profit company and an A+ member of the Better Business Bureau. Our goal is to get USEABLE clothing to people who can use it, here in the U.S. and in developing countries, while having a meaningful impact in our local communities.

How this works:

Community members drop off clothing at a clothing shed located at a community organization. We (St. Pauly Textile, Inc.) purchase the clothing from the local community organization. The community organization uses the money that it receives from us in order to support its mission or complete important community projects. We sell and distribute the clothing that we purchase all over the US and World to organizations such as foreign governments, relief organizations, the U.N., private companies and the U.S. government.

What to Drop-off:

Used Clothing, shoes, sneakers, belts, purses, linens, pillowcases, blankets, curtains, and stuffed animals.

What Not to Drop-off:

Furniture, electronics, household items, books, toys, garbage, pillows, rags, and fabric scraps.